
The collection of a non-heart health diet, stressful life, bad habits and lack of exercise, has seen cardiovascular disease becoming the leading threat in modern-day times.

In light of this, The World Heart Federations stated cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death on the planet. Such is the impact of CVD, the World Health Organisation (WHO) explains, it claims the lives of 17.9 million people on an annual basis.

CVD makes up 31% of all global deaths, and according to both WHO and WHF, the disease stems from multiple causes.

Ranging from smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, physical inactivity, to air pollution, and rare and neglected conditions such as Chagas Disease and cardiac amyloidosis.

As a result, On September 29, medical professionals and institutes including the World Heart Federation, celebrate World Heart Day. A day earmarked to raise awareness around the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle to minimise your chances of cardiovascular diseases.

The purpose behind World Heart Day is to educate people for them to understand what it takes to live a heart-healthy life. And to act on knowledge, thereby changing one’s behaviour for a better quality and prolonged life.

When looking at the practical implementation of living a healthy life, you need to take the time to research and establish a new way of life, including the aforementioned behavioural and life changes—coupled with visiting your GP regularly.

Thereby ensuring you are aware of any medical conditions, allowing you to take proactive steps in combatting any form of health-related issues.

Information sourced from the World Heart Federation.

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